What a wonderful experience I have had teaching the “Distance Education Tools” class for the Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences program at USU .  The students are fantastic. The content is usable and exciting. The days just fly by. Just when we think we cannot get anymore into our little brains, someone gives another great workshop on a tool that we no longer want to live without. Part of me never wants it to end and the other part is not sure I can handle one more day.  We are all excited about Kirk and Joey cooking lunch for us tomorrow though. They are the greatest. I wish I had 1/10 of their energy. Of course if I did I would probably be out waterskiing instead of here learning with all of them.  I would definitely have missed out.

Yesterday we learned about Google Docs, Flickr, Skype and Wimba.  All great tools and even better presentations. Today was no different with presentations on Moodle, Powerpoint, Jing and Camtasia. What more can I say than it has just been magical.